Jelly and Bean

Phonic Phase 4 Resources

Books for Phonic Phase 4

Phase 4 was originally the phase when words containing adjacent consonants were introduced in the Letters and Sounds (2007) programme. Our Starter Book A, with the word 'frog', and all our books for Phase 3 contain some words with adjacent consonants at the beginning or end.

Phase 4 is now considered to be the consolidation phase and is usually shown as the yellow book-band. After this phase children go on to meet words with alternative spellings of the sounds of the English language in Phonic Phase 5.


Please click on a picture to get information on each book.

The book Rhyming CVC Stories  contains stories  2, 4, 7, 8 from the original Rhyming CVC Series.

The book Tom and Bella Yellow Stories  contains stories 1, 3, 5, 6 of the original Tom and Bella Series 3 books. 

The book Consolidation Stories Set 1 has 4 stories for children to practise reading words containing 11 of the vowel graphemes introduced in our Vowel Sounds sets of books.

The book Consolidation Stories Set 2 has 4 stories for children to practise reading words containing 13 of the vowel graphemes introduced in our Vowel Sounds sets of books.

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